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Tag Archives: starving

Mothers in Kotido warned against starving children for food aid

Kotido, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Mothers in Kotido district have been warned against starving their children so as to benefit from food and cash relief from well-wishers. Development partners like the World Food Programme-WFP recently started giving 50 kilograms of food, 3 liters of cooking oil, and cash vouchers of …

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Don’t chase starving Karimojong from your districts – Bishop

Moroto, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Rt. Rev. James Nasak, the Church of Uganda Bishop of  North Karamoja diocese has appealed to leaders in neighboring districts to be sympathetic to starving families from Karamoja crossing into their territory in search of food. North Karamoja diocese comprises Kotido, Abim, Kaabong, and Karenga districts. …

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Lwengo resident arrested for starving, torturing own children

Lwengo, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The police in Lwengo district is holding a 37-year-old man for allegedly torturing and starving his children. Ivan Kisekka, a resident of Kakoma village in Kisseka sub county is detained at Lwengo district Central Police for allegedly starving and causing grievous body injuries on his …

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Police officers in Masaka on the spot for starving suspects

Masaka, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The police in Masaka district is on the spot for allegedly starving suspects while under detention. In a petition to the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, a social rights activist Joseph Kasirye wants the MPs to probe into reports of violation of suspects rights while …

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Flood victims in Kwania district demand for relief

Kwania, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | More than 500 residents of Nambieso and Chawente sub county in Kwania district who were displaced by floods are starving. The residents who live along the shores of Lake Kwania have remained homeless and their gardens of crops submerged after the Lake burst its …

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Uganda’s food insecurity worsens – UN report

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Global hunger is once again on the increase, with the number of hungry people standing at 820 million, according to the annual State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report released last evening. The number of people that did not have enough …

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