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Tag Archives: succession

‘Muhoozi project is time bomb’

Researcher insists transition must be discussed seriously COVER STORY | THE INDEPENDENT REPORTER | Who will succeed President Yoweri Museveni, and under what circumstances? Given President Museveni’s advanced aged—he turned 78 this year—his transition from power is no longer a purely theoretical debate. The issue looms over Ugandan politics. However, …

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I place my bet on Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba

COMMENT | Samson Tinka | At 11am on January 22 2022,  Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba boarded Uganda Airlines aircraft Kob en-route to Rwanda’s capital Kigali on a mission handed to him by his father Gen Yoweri Museveni. One hour later, the General was received by the Spy chief of Rwanda defense forces …

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Mugabe’s wife says ready to take over in Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe | AFP |  President Robert Mugabe’s wife on Sunday said she is ready to succeed her husband as tensions rise in Zimbabwe’s ruling party over who will take over from the country’s ageing leader. “I say to Mr Mugabe you should … leave me to take over your …

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Lessons for Uganda from Angola

ANALYSIS: Long serving Angola President retires to a quiet sunset. Can it happen in Uganda? Kampala, Uganda | RONALD MUSOKE |   Renowned Ugandan political researcher and analyst Frederick Golooba Mutebi (PhD) says there is no guarantee of a smooth transition from long-serving President Yoweri Museveni as happened recently in Angola where President José …

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Nigeria: After Buhari…?

With president Buhari on medical leave again, ambitious figures are positioning themselves favourably for what might happen next. Lagos, Nigeria| AFRICAN ARGUMENTS|  Secrecy creates suspicion. In the cutthroat arena of Nigerian politics, it can also reveal ambition. The ongoing silence around of the health of Nigeria’s president has done just …

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VIDEO: Wasswa Lule backs politics of succession

VIDEO: Politics of succession is a growing phenomenon in Africa, a phenomenon that critics cite as a threat to the growth of democracy. However, veteran Politician Wasswa Lule, son to former President the late Yusuf Lule, says passing the baton can still prevail in democratic processes. He spoke to People …

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Ugandan president’s son denies he wants to succeed father

Kampala, Uganda | AFP | The son of Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni, one of Africa’s longest-serving leaders, has rejected claims that he plans to succeed his father, reports said Thursday. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, speaking on Wednesday after he was promoted from Brigadier to Major General, heading the Special Forces Command (SFC), …

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Maj. Gen. Muhoozi one rank away

Sometime before 2008, President Yoweri Museveni told the military High Command that then Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Gadhafi was complaining that he, Museveni, was sitting on the son’s promotions. Museveni was referring Muhoozi Kainerugaba, who May.16 was promoted to the third highest military rank of Major General, sparking fresh claims …

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