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Tag Archives: troops

Trump plans full withdrawal of US troops from Syria

Washington, United States | AFP | The United States will withdraw its troops from Syria, a US official told AFP on Wednesday, after President Donald Trump said America has “defeated ISIS” in the war-ravaged country. The move will have extraordinary geopolitical ramifications and throws into question the fate of US-backed Kurdish …

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UN Peacekeeping chief honours Tanzanian troops in Zanzibar

Zanzibar, Tanzania | UN | A year on from the brutal killings of 15 United Nations peacekeepers from Tanzania in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the head of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) paid a visit to some of the victims’ families on Friday, to honour the memory of the soldiers …

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Italy to send troops to Niger to stem migrant flow: PM

Rome, Italy | AFP | Italy will be sending 470 soldiers to Niger to help the west African nation stem the flow of Europe-bound migrants, Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said Thursday. Agadez, the main city in central Niger, has become a revolving door for economic migrants seeking to reach Europe via …

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Thousands more US troops arrive in Afghanistan: general

Washington, United States | AFP | Approximately 3,000 additional American troops have now deployed to Afghanistan under President Donald Trump’s revised strategy for the war-torn country, the Pentagon said Thursday. The Pentagon had previously put the number of US forces in Afghanistan at about 11,000 but Trump in August authorized an …

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UPDF confirms 12 dead in Somalia ambush

Mogadishu, Somalia |  THE INDEPENDENT & AFP |  Uganda has confirmed that 12 of her solidiers, part of the African Union (AU) troops in Somalia, were killed in an ambush by Shabaab militants on Sunday. “From the battlefield, it is now confirmed that UPDF lost 12 gallant soldiers with 7 …

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Manchester terror attack: What we know

Manchester, United Kingdom | AFP |  Britain has raised its terror alert to the maximum level and ordered troops to protect strategic sites after 22 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack on a Manchester pop concert. Here is what we know so far about Monday’s attack, the deadliest …

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UN Security Council renews call for more troops in South Sudan

United Nations, United States | AFP |  The UN Security Council stepped up calls Monday for regional troops in South Sudan, to help a UN contingent already there stem ongoing violence and stave off a brewing humanitarian crisis. Olof Skoog, UN ambassador from Sweden, which holds the rotating Security Council …

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