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Tag Archives: Trump

Trump declining intelligence briefings

Washington, United States | AFP |  Donald Trump has received just two classified intelligence briefings since winning the presidency earlier this month, far less than his immediate predecessors, the Washington Post reported Wednesday. The Republican’s limited engagement with his team of intelligence analysts has some officials questioning the real estate …

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Trumps picks women, including a critic, for cabinet

Palm Beach, United States | AFP | Donald Trump began to broaden the base of his future cabinet Wednesday, nominating two conservative women including a critic, after his earlier picks rewarded campaign loyalists. Trump’s nomination of South Carolina’s 44-year-old governor, Nikki Haley, as US ambassador to the United Nations will …

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Two weeks on, Trump still Trump

Washington, United States | AFP | Two weeks on from his election victory, Donald Trump shows every sign that he will govern as he campaigned — with late night tweet storms, attacks on the press and a flirtation with the extremes of US political life. True, the president-elect has backed …

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VIDEO: Trump vows to withdraw from TPP ‘on day one’

Washington, United States | AFP | Donald Trump on Monday announced the United States would signal its withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal on his first day in the White House, as one of six immediate steps aimed at “putting America first.” The Republican billionaire — who for …

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Leave Trump’s tweets alone, says advisor

Washington, United States | AFP |  President-elect Donald Trump’s habit of firing off tweets, even at such critical times as when forming a new government, is a harmless and legitimate way to “cut through the noise,” one of his top advisors said Monday. Trump was known during the campaign for …

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Britain mulls inviting Trump to meet queen

London, United Kingdom | AFP |  Queen Elizabeth II could host Donald Trump within months of him becoming United States president, with the British government confirming Monday that it was considering a state visit next year. Royal officials said that the government was responsible for organising state visits, and a …

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Trump cabinet list out soon

New York, United States | AFP | US President-elect Donald Trump prepared Monday to announce a new slate of cabinet picks some time soon, following a busy weekend of meetings with hopefuls at his golf club retreat outside New York. The Republican billionaire-turned-world leader heaped praise on tough-talking retired Marine …

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COMMENT: Donald Trump’s Africa

COMMENT: By Peter Vale His foreign policy on the continent is likely to be: ‘Where’s that?’ Africa is likely to slide down the list of foreign policy priorities of a Donald Trump administration. This is because America’s foreign policy is determined by both domestic and foreign issues. When it comes …

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France’s Le Pen, Trump are ‘identical phenomena’

Washington, United States | AFP | US President-elect Donald Trump and France’s far-right leader Marine Le Pen are part of “identical phenomena” that have swept the two countries, the mayor of Paris said Friday. Mayor Anne Hidalgo, who was in Washington accepting an environmental award from Foreign Policy magazine, added …

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