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Tag Archives: unrest

Tear gas fired as hundreds protest Sudan ‘land grab’

Khartoum, Sudan | AFP |  Sudanese police fired tear gas on Wednesday to break up a protest in Khartoum against what demonstrators said was a government plan to seize their land, an AFP correspondent reported. Hundreds of people were demonstrating in the East Jreif district of the capital when clashes …

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Afghan opium cultivation skyrockets as eradication collapses

Kabul, Afghanistan | AFP |   Afghanistan saw a 10 percent jump in opium cultivation this year, highlighting bumper harvests owing to collapsing eradication efforts amid growing insecurity and declining international counter-narcotics assistance, the UN said Sunday. Cultivation dropped last year due to drought conditions but it has been on …

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Burundi set to quit ICC as president promulgates law

Bujumbura, Burundi | AFP |  President Pierre Nkurunziza on Tuesday signed legislation enabling Burundi to withdraw from the International Criminal Court (ICC). A copy of the law seen by AFP and dated October 18 allows “the Republic of Burundi’s withdrawal from the Rome statute”, the ICC’s founding treaty. The next …

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Sanctions loom after DRC talks agree to push vote to 2018

Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP | Participants in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s “national dialogue” agreed Monday, in the absence of the main opposition coalition, to push back to April 2018 the presidential election due to take place before the end of the year. The accord was announced after the …

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Pope’s new C.Africa cardinal brings fresh hope of peace

Bangui, Central African Republic | AFP | Pope Francis has brought fresh hopes of peace to the war-ravaged Central African Republic, with Christians and Muslims praising his decision to name Bangui’s archbishop a cardinal as a step to ending sectarian violence. Aged only 49, Archbishop Dieudonne Nzapalainga will be the …

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Ethiopia blames ‘foreign enemies’ for unrest

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | AFP |  Ethiopia said Monday that “foreign enemies” like Egypt were behind an unprecedented wave of protests that has prompted the government to declare a six-month state of emergency. Ethiopia’s government is facing the biggest challenge of its 25 years in power, with anti-government protests spreading, …

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