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Tag Archives: us

Clooney group calls for action in South Sudan corruption report 

Damning South Sudan Report focuses on regional players, including Uganda London, United Kingdom | AFP |  Hollywood star George Clooney’s investigative project The Sentry on Thursday urged the international community to act over alleged links between global corporations, tycoons and foreign governments and rampant corruption in South Sudan. The Sentry …

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Iran warns of ‘World War III’

 Iranian FM warns US or Saudi attack would trigger ‘all-out’ war: CNN Tehran, Iran | AFP |  Iranian FM has warned that a US or Saudi attack would trigger ‘all-out’ war, CNN has reported. This came hours after Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused Iran’s foes Thursday of agitating for war, as Washington and …

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Wall Street sinks as skyrocketing oil prices rattle nerves

New York, United States | AFP |  US stocks sank into the red on Monday as attacks on Saudi crude production and record jumps in oil prices whipped up investor anxieties about the global economy. Saturday’s devastating attacks on Abqaiq — the world’s largest oil processing facility — and the …

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Why US sanctioned Uganda’s ex-police boss Kayihura

  Washington, United States | AFP |  The US government announced sanctions against Uganda’s once-powerful police chief on Friday, citing evidence of corruption and human rights abuses including torture. The agencies said there was credible information that Kale Kayihura was involved in “torture and/or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or …

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Twitter CEO account hacked, tweets by text halted

Washington, United States | AFP |  Twitter on Wednesday halted users’ ability to fire off tweets via text messages as it seeks to fix a vulnerability that led to CEO Jack Dorsey’s account being hijacked. Dorsey last week was the target of so-called “SIM swap” fraud, which enables a hacker …

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Could cryptocurrency dethrone the US dollar?

London, United Kingdom | AFP | Bank of England governor Mark Carney has suggested that a virtual currency, modelled on Facebook’s Libra, could one day replace the dollar as king of the foreign exchange market. The BoE chief aired vague proposals for a so-called “Synthetic Hegemonic Currency” at the recent …

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Red, red wine… ‘good for digestive system’

Washington, United States | AFP | Time to raise a glass to your gut health? Scientists at King’s College London have found that red wine drinkers have a greater diversity of bacteria in their digestive tracts, a marker of gastrointestinal health, than those who drink other alcohol. Their paper, published …

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