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Tag Archives: war

Winning the cancer war in Sub-Saharan Africa

Noncommunicable diseases are expected to overtake infectious diseases as the region’s leading cause of death by 2030, following a sharp increase in cancer-related mortality COMMENT | Miriam Mutebi | Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity, kill 41 million people per year, with 77% of these deaths occurring …

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More war means more inflation

Why that will lead to larger fiscal deficits, more debt monetisation, and higher inflation in future COMMENT | Nouriel Roubini | Inflation rose sharply throughout 2022 across both advanced economies and emerging markets. Structural trends suggest that the problem will be secular, rather than transitory. Specifically, many countries are now engaged in …

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Putting Putin and Company in the Dock

COMMENT | Gordon Brown | Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to wage a winter war of attrition against Ukraine, targeting its civilian population in an attempt to starve and freeze the country into submission. In light of this dangerous escalation, the West must heed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s urgent …

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UN raises alarm over increase of humanitarian needs in S. Sudan

Juba, S.Sudan | Xinhua | A UN senior official on Friday raised the alarm over the projected increase in the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in South Sudan. United Nations Resident Coordinator in South Sudan Sara Beysolow Nyanti said an estimated 9.4 million people, a staggering 76 percent of …

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Post-war reconstruction is a good investment

COMMENT | NANCY QIAN – PROJECT SYNDICATE |  Nine months after Russia invaded their country, Ukrainians are seizing back their territory and giving their people hope of a military victory. But when it comes to long-term peace and prosperity, a military victory would be only the end of the first …

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UN chief calls for efforts to de-escalate Ukraine conflict

Beijing, China | Xinhua |  The following are the latest developments in the Ukraine crisis: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday called for international efforts to de-escalate the conflict in Ukraine. “I will continue to spare no effort for peace — peace in line with international law and the Charter …

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