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Tag Archives: warcrimes

Congolese warlord loses bid against $1 mln damages award

The Hague, Netherlands | AFP | War crimes judges Thursday upheld an order that a former Congolese militia leader must pay $1 million in damages to his victims, after his forces rampaged through a village in 2003. Germain Katanga, 39, a former militia commander from the restive northeastern Congolese Ituri …

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ICC to rule as Congo warlord appeals $1m damages

The Hague, Netherlands | AFP | International judges will Thursday rule in an appeal brought by ex-Congolese warlord Germain Katanga, who has protested an order that he pay one million dollars in damages to his victims. In its first ever such award, the International Criminal Court in March 2017 awarded …

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DR Congo child soldiers awarded $10 mn in damages

The Hague, NETHERLANDS | AFP | International war crimes judges on Friday awarded $10 million in landmark reparations to “hundreds or thousands” of former child soldiers left brutalised and stigmatised after being conscripted into a ruthless Congolese militia. Warlord Thomas Lubanga, 56, was jailed for 14 years after being convicted …

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Potassium cyanide killed war criminal: Dutch prosecutors

The Hague, Netherlands | AFP | Bosnian Croat war criminal Slobodan Praljak likely died from heart failure after swallowing potassium cyanide, Dutch prosecutors said Friday, two days after his dramatic courtroom suicide in front of UN judges. “The preliminary results of the toxicological test showed that Mister Praljak had a …

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Dutch probe Bosnian war criminal’s live UN court suicide

The Hague, Netherlands | AFP | Dutch prosecutors are investigating how a Bosnian Croat war criminal managed to dramatically take his own life Wednesday, apparently after drinking poison he had smuggled into a UN court, in scenes that were broadcast live. In shocking footage beamed around the world, Slobodan Praljak drank …

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Bosnian Croat Praljak dies after taking poison in UN court

Zagreb, Croatia | AFP |  Bosnian Croat war criminal Slobodan Praljak died Wednesday after drinking poison in a dramatic courtroom scene after UN judges upheld his 20-year sentence, Croatia’s state-run news agency said. The 72-year-old died in hospital, according to the HINA agency quoting a source close to Praljak, after …

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‘Butcher of Bosnia’ found guilty of genocide

The Hague, Netherlands | AFP |  UN judges Wednesday sentenced former Bosnian Serbian commander Ratko Mladic to life imprisonment after finding him guilty of genocide and war crimes in the brutal Balkans conflicts over two decades ago. The trial of the man dubbed “The Butcher of Bosnia” was the last …

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