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Home / AFRICA / Tanzania launches Chinese financed project to boost civil aviation safety

Tanzania launches Chinese financed project to boost civil aviation safety

Engineer Godfrey Kasekenya speaks at the launch on Friday in Dar.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania | Xinhua |  Tanzanian authorities on Friday launched the enhancement of the civil aviation safety oversight systems project financed by the Chinese government for 1 million U.S. dollars grant.

The Chinese government through its South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund (SSCAF) provided the grant to finance the project to be implemented for one year by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) through its Technical Cooperation Bureau.

Launching the project in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam, the Deputy Minister for Works and Transport, Godfrey Kasekenya, said the aviation industry must assure that safety and reliability compliance remained robust and ambitious so that air transport’s core value offerings are duly safeguarded.

“Aviation is a major contributor to global economic prosperity,” said Kasekenya, adding that through providing the only safest rapid worldwide transportation network, aviation is essential for global business, and generates economic growth, creates jobs, and facilitates international trade and tourism.

Hamza Johari, the director general of the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA), said the main purpose of the project is to provide technical assistance to Tanzania to enhance its aviation safety oversight system.

Barry Kashambo, the ICAO regional director for Eastern and Southern Africa, thanked China for its donation to the ICAO through its South-South Cooperation funding mechanism.

He said out of the 4 million U.S. dollars initially donated by China to ICAO, 1 million U.S. dollars has been allocated to Tanzania for the technical assistance project, 2 million U.S. dollars was allocated for the development and conduct of training courses for civil aviation senior and middle managers program that has been completed, and 1 million U.S. dollars will be supporting ICAO efforts to provide capacity-building assistance in the Republic of Congo.

Xu Chen, the Minister Counselor in the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania, said through this project, China hoped to help Tanzania strengthen capacity building in civil aviation safety oversight, promote the integration of Tanzania’s civil aviation industry with the international standards.

Xu added that the project will also train more outstanding aviation professionals for Tanzania and make contribution to the development of Tanzanian civil aviation industry.

He said China is willing to support Tanzania in developing its civil aviation industry and promoting its connectivity with other African countries as well as the world, including China.

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