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The News Today

Standard Gauge Railway taking shape

Funding deal with Exim Bank to be signed in October, DR Congo also joins Standard Gauge Railway Roofings Ltd, a steel manufacturer based at Lubowa near Kampala, imports almost all its raw materials from abroad through Mombasa Port. To transport a tonne of raw materials by road for one kilometer, …

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PHOTOGRAPHS: Netanyahu in Uganda

PHOTOGRAPHS: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commemorated the 40th anniversary Monday of the Uganda hostage rescue in which his brother died, as he started a “historic” tour seeking new trade partners in Africa. After the commemorating at Entebbe, a regional summit on security was held with leaders from Uganda, Kenya, …

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Israel PM Netanyahu in Uganda

  The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in Uganda, his first trip as premier to sub-Saharan Africa. He has just flown in Monday, exactly 40 years after Israel commandos rescued hostages in the famous Operation Thunderbolt at Entebbe. He was received by President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, and given a …

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HIV: Children to get sweet ARVs

New trial in pediatric HIV treatment gives hope for better results Whenever his mother holds a spoon, little Imran becomes suspicious. He asks his mother whether it’s time for ‘panadol’ yet again. He contracted HIV at birth and has to take Lopinavir and Lamivudine – two antiretroviral (ARV) drugs- twice …

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End of an era as United legend Giggs quits club

Manchester, United Kingdom | AFP | Manchester United legend Ryan Giggs is to leave after almost 30 years of service, the English Premier League club announced on Saturday in a widely expected move following Jose Mourinho’s appointment as manager.   Ryan Giggs. The greatest? #GiggsLegend — Manchester United (@ManUtd) …

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KAGINA: UNRA needs more money

Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) needs an additional sh400 billion to adequately fund road maintenance and network operations. The current budget of sh246.9 billion is inadequate to fund all the necessary activities to keep the network in good condition and fully functional, UNRA Executive Director Allen Kagina has said. In …

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