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The pain of replacing national identity card

One has to be at the NIRA offices in Kololo by 4am to get in the queue, wait for over 8 hours to be processed, and wait for months to get the ID; if at all. But you can always bribe and get it quicker   

Kampala, Uganda | MUBATSI ASINJA HABATI | When Joseph Biribonwa was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA), he appeared to know exactly what he needed to do. When he conducted his first board meeting at NIRA in February, he focused on delays in replacing national IDs.

“Government is paying money on a decentralised system for the organisation. We have to know what happens in the districts. Why can’t some of these services be executed in the districts? Why do you have to bring the whole Uganda here (in Kololo) and expose our weaknesses?” Biribonwa wondered. He questioned why all services are being offered at the Kololo-based NIRA headquarters.

“I want to give an assignment to management to tell us how long it takes to replace a lost ID card,” he told the meeting, which included the NIRA Executive Director, Judy Obitre-Gama .

“And you can benchmark with the driving permit people, the passport people and at our next meeting, you must deliver to us that time. If a lost driving permit can take a week or less to replace, why should a national ID take six months or a year?”

In March, there was a report that 16.8 million Ugandans aged 16 and above don’t have national IDs. This is not because they never applied to have them but because of delays in national ID issuance.

Members of parliament led by Speaker Rebecca Kadaga have criticized the unending delays in the processing of national IDs for eligible Ugandans.

For years complaints about NIRA delays in issuing national IDs have been increasing. Since Uganda first registered citizens for national IDs in 2014, NIRA says of the 29,343,615 Ugandans who registered for National IDs, it has managed to issue only 15,227, 171 cards as of March 1 this year, leaving a 14 million without IDs.

In 2017, NIRA working with the ministry of education and sports registered all school-going children aged 6 and above. The purpose was to capture the number of school children on the national database and issue those aged 16 and above national IDs. Today none of these children who qualified for national IDs got them.

Concern over delays in issuance of national IDs was reignited when, on July 20, NIRA announced that these national IDs are ready and the students who qualify will get them at their respective sub-counties. NiRA said it had sent the IDs to the district local governments.

The announcement caused excitement because NIRA had since March suspended operations following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 in the country.

It resumed the issuance in the six pilot districts of Kampala and Wakiso among others. But nothing, it appears, has changed.

On a recent visit to Busukuma Division, Nansana Municipality, Wakiso district, we found several youth who turned up to pick their national IDs but were instead told their cards were not ready. Worse still, they were told they had to wait until the February 2021 elections are over.

“These people of NIRA are jokers,” said one of them, Jude Mukisa, a resident of Balitta Village, Busukuma subcounty, “ It is three years since I registered for a replacement but they keep tossing me around.”

On paper, NIRA argues that on average it takes six to 12 weeks to get a national ID but some people spend years without getting one after applying.

Christine Mbambu’s case is common.  On January 12, 2020 she lost her national identity card when the car she was travelling on got involved in an accident. After a week, Mbambu applied for a replacement of her national identity card at NIRA’s main operational office at the Kololo Independence Grounds in Kampala.

The NIRA Kololo Office was at the time receiving an average of 700 persons daily. But it could only serve up to 400 Persons per day. Officially this was on a first come first served basis. This meant anyone hoping to be processed had to be in the queue at Kololo as early as 4am at night. This resulted in allegations of extortion as applicants struggled to get squeezed into the queue.

Six months later Mbambu is still waiting for national ID card. She says this has made her life difficult given that many transactions in Uganda require a national ID.  She cannot access her own money on her Centenary Bank given she lost her ATM card when she lost her national ID.

Her bank only allows her to withdraw a maximum of shillings 100,000 over the counter even when she has more money in the bank account. She needs a national ID to withdraw more.

She cannot replace her mobile phone SIM card, which too was lost during the accident. Much as she has the photocopies of the national ID, the bank and telecom companies will not issue her ATM card and new phone SIM card. These institutions claim they are strictly following the law. Mambu says her life is worsened given that movement restrictions during Covid-19 are cumbersome.

Mbambu is just one in millions of Ugandans waiting months, if not years, to get new national ID cards or replacements.

NIRA, which is responsible for issuing the national IDs, says their services were negatively affected by Covid-19 control measures and restrictions. They have just resumed issuing national IDs in selected pilot areas to inform the roll-out of the issuance nationwide in the Covid-19 era.

But even before the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, NIRA had become notorious for slow service delivery amidst accusations of bribery and issuing national IDs with misspelt names or wrong gender.

When one loses a national they have to replace it at a cost. Officially one pays Shs50,000 to replace the ID, then you have to pay for a confirmation letter of Shs1,000 in a bank where you have to incur a bank charge of Shs3,000. After the confirmation letter has been activated, NIRA tells the applicant that they will have their national ID within a three-month time frame.

National ID crucial

Lack of a national Identity card, limits ones’ chances of getting services just like the case of Mbambu. A number of government and non-government agencies no longer use driving permits and passports as legal documents.

Given that the country has entered a political election season, having a national ID card is very important. There are concerns that some Ugandans, including political candidates, might be blocked  from participating  in the forthcoming 2021 General Election due to lack of national IDs. There is a precedent. In the previous general election, DP president general Norbert Mao was blocked by the Electoral Commission from contesting for Gulu Municipality MP because he did not have a national ID.

The Electoral Commission says NIRA plays a very crucial role in as far as the work of EC is concerned.  Section 65(2) of the Registration of Persons Act 2015, provides for the Electoral Commission to access the data/information from NIRA for purposes of updating the national voters’ register.

The EC argues that since one of the requirements for one to be a voter, one must be a citizen, and that citizenship is verified by NIRA, who have the structures for that purpose. This means that NIRA must be in top-notch operational or functional capacity to expedite the process of registration of citizens.

Fed up with the sluggish execution of services at NIRA, in June President Museveni reportedly ordered the Minister of Internal Affairs, Gen. Jeje Odongo, under whose docket NIRA falls, to search for a new executive director when the contract of Judy Obitre-Gama expires.

In the letter Museveni did not mention why Gama needed to be replaced but he cited problems surrounding the issuance of national IDs.

“I have been informed that the contract of the current Executive Director is due to expire. Given the problems faced by NIRA, especially relating to the issuance of national identity cards, there is need to identify a new executive director, especially with an information technology background,” reads part of the letter. “I am therefore directing you to work with the board of directors of NIRA and identify a suitable candidate, consult me, before a final decision is reached.”

Gama is a lawyer, who was appointed as the ED for NIRA in 2015. Before she had briefly worked with Uganda Registration Services Bureau as the company secretary.

A 2018 value for money audit of NIRA by the Auditor General found that delays in replacing and issuing of national IDs included shortage of staff at NIRA. The other reasons are that most processes, including transmission of data by NIRA from the enrollment centres to the processing centres and delivery of finished cards to the collection centres is done manually rather than online.

Obiga Kania, the Minister of State for Internal Affairs told parliament some delays are because of increasing number of Ugandans who need national IDs but register for them at last minute.

“With the national ID gaining currency as a key document to accessing critical services, the demand for services has grown exponentially; this, coupled with a tendency among the public to seek services when the need is urgent, has led to a surge in the number of clients at the various NIRA service centres where the teams are often overwhelmed”.

A statement from NIRA says replacing national IDs sometimes delays because people who lose their IDs may have not completed the registration process during the 2014/15 mass registration.

The NIRA management completed a business process review in January 2020 and has come up with proposals to improve efficiency and shorten turn-around times. This includes a proposal to prioritise replacement of IDs.  Under the new arrangement, NIRA says it will give the applicant the option to print the original card which takes a shorter time or produce an updated one.

In addition, a module for replacement of national IDs was completed in June 2019 to enable district offices handle replacements process and the process of decentralising the service commenced in August 2019.

Technically, the NIRA district offices are in position to offer some national ID card replacement services, since the registration kits have been enabled with the NID replacement module. The changes in the business processes were expected to take effect from June 01, 2020. It is not clear how the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown measures will affect this process.

Process of replacing a national ID

  • When a person needs to replace an ID, he or she makes an application for replacement by completing Form 11, clearly stating the reasons for the replacement. In cases where the first ID was lost or misplaced, the application for replacement has to be accompanied by a police letter as proof that the case was reported to the authorities.
  • On receipt of the application the applicant’s biometrics and fingerprints are compared with the data in the national data base to confirm if the applicant has ever been registered and that the data matches with what is in the NIRA system.
  • The application is then sent for processing and production of a replacement ID. Once a replacement ID has been produced the applicant was expected to pick their cards from Kololo for the period of review. This has since been decentralized to the NIRA district offices.



  1. I replace my id some time back but till date it is not yet replace took the court letter ans stuff after all struggle the results are invain

  2. I applied for an I’d replacement. In Nov 2019 biting Aug 2020. I called to follow up my I’d and was told to re applly because my pic was nt clear.. anyway which I did but for how long will I HV to wait for my I’d cz thz was nt my fault.. am from pallisa and would like to open up a bank account.. do district Nira offices offer confirmation letters…

  3. My ID came out without a right thumb

  4. My I’d came out with when my name was misspelled insteady of MAGANDA they wrote MAGANMA now when I tried to check the forms we filled during registration I found out that the mistake was not made by me bcs I filled it myself now I went to nira offices of mayuge district with my application form the told me go to kololo, I tried kololo three times but I was never attended to so am now here struggling, NIRA NIRA NIRA to hell

  5. Acctually we are about to die coz of national ids me I lost mine den I went to kololo for a replacement bt nothing I got even ri enter dea is a war uu hv to be with a n appointment letter

  6. Paid for replacement in 2018 February,then when i went back after 4month they told me to go to Ntinda and later was sent back to kololo but till now they keep making me move from one place to another without getting my ID and when i check with the code they gave me it shows no records found and they don’t give me a clear reason

  7. I have ever experienced a delay In the process of getting a mere form for applying for Id Yet I have to put In transport everything I got to either Kololo or Makindye
    But now I have filled my form now I’m waiting for my I’d to come back coz even my nin number Is out
    All In all the prob Is just delay In processing It

  8. We, Ugandans are the problem to our motherland Uganda! Why should it be a big hustle to replace a lost ID knowing it’s the only way to transact legal businesses as a means of ensuring a progressive economy? I recommend an overhaul of the entire staff at NIRA! Patriotic people with the required capabilities should be assigned that duty, to save our country from such disturbing embarrassment! Mzei Museveni, help us, act! Thank you sir!

  9. But you nira people u a not easy my national ID got lost 2019 and I tried to replace I paid my money in bank , police latter after that they told me to wait for 90days sofar now five months no good information if I try to check my application I’d they just give me number that call kololo so I didn’t know what to do the national I’d is in the name of bazanye Kenneth Ivan so help me in the name of almighty God and for good of your services thanks

  10. I applied for my national ID in 2017 and whenever I checked it could show me that I rectify so I went and rectified on 04-march-2021 up to now am still waiting for it and I play zat it come out. Banange

  11. Ainembabazi immaculate

    Am facing abig challenge where by I replaced my id in 2017 until now I never seen it whenever I could go to nira offices to check they could to tell it’s not, so in 2020 September, I re did another replaced but then until now i have never seen my Id so am begging whenever is able to see this massage please help me out am at home with no job my family have nothing to help ,whenever I go to apply for a job they ask me a national id so please help me help me help me,I really need your help sir,Mr.Joseph Biribonwa,thank you.

  12. Habyarimana omari

    I applied for national id replacement in November 2020 and promised to get the id in just 3 month time and when went to check , they told me to wait & up to today am still waiting. I need the ID urgently for various purposes but no help.

  13. Why do u Nira guys want to make people hate their own country due to your poor service delivery? I needed to correct information on my id due to amistake i found on my card and u guys made me pay 5000 which i did and filled all the forms and presented all the required legal documents, then u tell me to bring my parent and i brought my mother to record a statement, and then u go ahead to ask for my father who is out of the country and i explain to you that, then the cid guy tells me to wait till my father returns for me to get anew id, i mean do u really feel for your fellow citizens or you are just selfish and misusing offices making people move for months and years for such simple matters? Do u mean to say all people’s dreams and future should be shuttered because of your inhumanity ,or u mean to say both parents have to be living together for eternity, mweddeko.

  14. I applied for a replacement of the national ID 2018 but I don’t know whether it out or not yet I went through all the process of ID replacement. I was told to go and check for it at Kampala Central division after 3 months but it wasn’t there after that period. Till date I don’t have the ID. What do I do????

  15. You have caused pain to the community how can a person spend a whole year just looking for just a death certificate from u guys. Y do you start what u can’t handle I don’t know people who came with this NIRA thing just headache

  16. Three months without getting my replaced id Nira thanks for poor service delivery

  17. My national ID got lost in 2020 en i was planning to replace it but according to what I have just read, am so scared oba what should I do

  18. i was planning a replacement but these comments have hit me hard..plse NIRA improve your services

  19. I have no my ID. Since I required it

  20. Atusingwire Brighton

    National identity card replacement

  21. Atalamwine Esther

    The process of changing names is also hell. If someone presents a deed poll,why can’t you work on them?

  22. Atalamwine Esther

    Changing names is also a hursel. If I present a deed poll, why not work on me!

  23. ‘Incompetent’ is all I can say. The body is a failed project for it has failed to live up to the expectations. I myself have tried to get my national ID on several occasions but all to no avail. A need for change in such big organs that run the country is all that Ugandans long for. TUKOOYE that arrogancy & meanness among gov’t officials & organs. ‘For God & my country’ only worked in the old days, it is now, ‘ for God & those that can BRIBE or be BRIBED’

  24. Okorobe John Peter

    I replaced my national id on 15-02-2022, let me know is really ready for me to pick

  25. Kindly advice if the month in my ID if the month was wrongly quorted.

  26. how long will it take to the person who have been adding names in a national identification to be ready for them to pick it.

  27. Applied for ID in December 2021 and still waiting. Went to Kololo even and back again to Kira. Still nothing. I hope this does not take years.

    My father passed away still waiting.

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  29. Sweet website, super design, real clean and use pleasant.

  30. I corrected my particular 2015 but the id never came only voter location I checked several times but nothing I decided to pay
    54,000= to apply for replace but coming to two down my job is at risk it has costed why can’t the government care for its tax payers

  31. NIRA guys are just scammers.

  32. Scary !!!

  33. Wow, thɑt’s whhat I was looҝing for, what a data!

    existing here at tһis blog, thanks admin of this site.

  34. Please i need to replace my identity theft how can I do now because I haven’t anything to used in the bank accounts.

  35. I applied for the replacement of my lost ID in early January 2022, I was told it wI’ll be ready in 6 weeks, when I went in nira office ntinda, I was told to wait another 6 weeks.Up to now 2023 nothing. I had lost my id and atm card, I can’t access my money now to make matters worse I lost my phone I can no longer renew my simcard,,, eeeeh!! Nira why are you doing this to us?
    It’s now one year waiting, are you really doing in your offices? Just taking more people daily but you can’t deliver a positive results.

  36. Pliz to the concerned person’s🙏..i applied in April this year for a COP(Change of particulars)….but it’s now past 4months am not seeing the new national ID card, even my NIN no longer exists…pliz hlp me if u really serve for Uganda… everything is just hard without a national ID card

  37. It’s now 4 months since I did my replacement up to now I’m not getting my ID

  38. I don’t know why my ID is not out yet

  39. It’s ayear now my ID is not yet what could be aproblem

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