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Home / NEWS / Tooro residents want Museveni to talk about unfulfilled pledges

Tooro residents want Museveni to talk about unfulfilled pledges

Completed Buhinga Stadium perimeter wall.

Fort Portal, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | National Resistance Movement- NRM party supporters in Tooro Sub-region want President Museveni, to speak out on several unfulfilled pledges that he has made over the years.   

Museveni is scheduled to hold campaign meetings in Fort Portal Tourism City on Wednesday, where he is expected to meet some of the party supporters and leaders from the districts of Kyenjojo, Kabarole, Kamwenge, Bunyangabu, Kitagwenda and Kyegegwa.  

However, there are pledges that he made during his previous campaigns and visits to the sub-region that are either partially fulfilled or not fulfilled at all.

Innocent Mugume, a resident of Fort Portal, says he wants to know why the construction of Buhinga Stadium construction stalled.   

In 2018, Museveni laid a foundation stone for the construction of Buhinga stadium in Fort Portal. The Uganda People’s Defense Forces – UPDF Engineering Brigade started the construction of the perimeter wall in 2019 and completed it in July this year.   However, the construction of the second phase is yet to begin. 

Mugume says that as a youth, he had expected the stadium to be completed in a short time so that it can help them promote their talents but is disappointed that its construction has since stalled.   

Tom Kato, the NRM Vice Chairperson in Fort Portal, says he wants the president to talk about the Kijura and Saaka roads that are in a sorry state with potholes, gullies and is slippery during the rainy season.   

Kijura road leads to five major tea factories in Tooro while Saaka road leads to Mountains of the Moon University, Katojo Prison, and Muhooti Barracks.   

Benjamin Musinguzi says he wants to know from the president why the Kabarole Agro-Industrial Park was launched but never constructed.   

In September 2018, Gen Salim Saleh, the Chief Coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation – OWC, launched the 500 acres of land in Kyembogo village in Busoro Sub County where the park will be constructed.   

However, to date, there is no activity taking place in the area. Musinguzi argues that as a farmer, he had high expectations in the park as he had thought it would help him add value to his agricultural produce.  

The Kyenjojo Chairperson, William Kaija, says the president promised to elevate Kyenjojo Town Council to a municipality. Kaija also says the Museveni also pledged to fund the construction of Kyenjojo Tea factory with 16 Billion Shillings and Kyarusozi tea factory with 19 Billion Shillings, all of which have never been fulfilled.   

Kaija also notes that the Kyenjojo-Kyakatwiire-Kamwenge road is in a bad shape and awaiting the president to fulfill his pledge and construct it.    

But despite the unfulfilled pledges, Kato says the people of Tooro should still vote Museveni because his government has promoted peace, constructed Fort Portal-Kamwenge Road, and Fort Portal-Bundibugyo-Lamia road among others.   

The Fort Portal NRM Vice-chairperson argues that Museveni has created new districts, cities and town council, which has reduced on unemployment and also brought services closer to the people.  

Museveni will head to Bundibugyo where he will also meet some party supporters and leaders from Ntoroko district.



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