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UACE: Exams start late in most parts of the country

Senior 6 candidates at Gulu Senior Secondary School walking to the examination hall

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  Uganda Advanced Certificate of Examinations (UACE) started late in most parts of the country this morning despite the good weather.

At many schools that Uganda Radio Network (URN) visited, examinations begun after the designated time of 9:00 a.m. In Kampala, Wakiso, Mbarara and many other areas upcountry examinations at some examination centers begun as late as 9:40am.

In Kampala, the delay in the start of the examinations has been attributed to traffic jam while in Entebbe the UNEB area supervisor delayed to open the exam storage facility..

At Kampala Secondary School, exams arrived at 8:30am, and students begun writing their exams at 9:15 a.m. According to Fred Bagenda, the Headmaster of the School, the delay was caused by invigilators who were slow at checking the candidates.

” The exams were picked on time. By 8:30 am they had arrived at the school but they started late  because invigilators were slow while checking the learners. This was unfortunate because we expected to start on time since we only have 45 candidates,” he said.

In other parts of Kampala, some candidates begun late because they had not cleared balances on fees.  At Samson Memorial Secondary schools in Kampala, students who had not cleared all the fees had a rough morning as the school management had denied them entrance to the examination rooms.

“They are saying we must clear to zero balance,” said a student found at the office pleading with the deputy head teacher. However, later on the students were allowed in the examination rooms. But some headteachers revealed that many students have managed to sit for examination before clearing all their fees. Irene Mwaka of Gulu Senior Secondary, a government aided school reveals that some students hadn’t cleared their fees and their parents and guardians have not approached them for a grace period hence the delay in starting.

Moses Kidega Oola, the Deputy Head-teacher of Gulu College, also says the issue of school fees remains contentious between some of the defaulting students and the school, they are negotiating best ways with parents to clear their pending dues.

“Many students are yet to clear school fees; we are negotiating with their parent on when this money should be paid. however, we have allowed the candidates to seat for examinations,” said Oola.

Schools located in Entebbe also begun late after some of the area supervisors arrived at 8:30 a.m. 

Candidates from far to reach schools, those that are 4kms from the police station, such as Entebbe Girls SS and Merry land High School in Kigungu started writing exams after 9:40 a.m. Ruth Muyinda, the UNEB Area supervisor for schools in Entebbe and surrounding areas told URN that the delays were expected on the first day. 

In the western part of the country, heavy downpour delayed the start of the examinations. In Mbarara, Isingiro and Kiruhura Districts, the examination distribution process was greatly affected by a heavy downpour recorded in the morning hours. As a result, many schools started exams past 9:15 am.

Unlike elsewhere where delays were experienced, in Mukono the process has been conducted smoothly and on time. 



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