Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) together with 11 United Nations (UN) agencies launched a three-year joint programme that will lead to the collection and analysis of data and statistics which are geared towards improving planning and budgeting in Uganda.
The program, which will cost $41.8 million (about Shs160 billion), is envisaged to produce timely and quality data and statistics that will also support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Speaking at the launch in Kampala on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, the Executive Director of UBOS, Dr. Chris N. Mukiza, said the programme is a fundamental step in bringing the entire National Statistical System (NSS) to the same wavelength and appreciation of the need for quality data at all levels.
He said the programme will help the government to create public awareness of the various data and statistical programmes, disseminate the findings of the status review of data and statistics in Uganda, re-affirm the critical role of data and statistics in tracking and accelerating progress on SDGs in Uganda and consolidate existing and build new partnerships along the statistics value chain.