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Home / ARTICLES 2008-2015 / Uganda should manage globalization or risk enslavement

Uganda should manage globalization or risk enslavement

By Joan Akello

Civil society organizations involved in trade related issues are urging legislators to take interest in the different treaties the executive is negotiating with the European Union and the United States, the Economic Partnership Agreement and Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement respectively.

Ambassador  Nathan Irumba , the Executive Director Southern and Eastern African Trade  Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI)  was presenting a petition to the parliamentary committee  for trade on behalf of   the CSOs.

“We  must first draw  our trading  map  and structure  our  trade relationship,”  because Irumba argues,  “ trade  is shape  by trade agreements  and policies   which at times  are a double edged  knife  if not properly negotiated and can have  far reaching  implications  on our economy and people’s livelihoods.”

He said the members of parliament have an obligation to scrutinize government action and to interact with the public and therefore take keen interest in the negotiations to balance potentially competing claims of national interest of domestic constituencies and those of CSOs.

John Mulimba, Samia-Bugwe County North MP said  that it is unfortunate that such treaties are negotiated by the executive and also between the EAST African Community (EAC) which he says is operating with serious discords.  He added that there is need for a law to operationalise Article 123 section 2 of the Constitution that provides for the   ratification of treaties to include CSOS and MPs in the negotiation process.

However, John Simbwa, Makindye East MP said that there is need to amend the Ratification of Treaties Act Cap. 204 that stipulates that treaties in Uganda are ratified by the Cabinet save for the exceptions given in section 2 of the Act by “resolution of Parliament where the treaty relates to armistice, neutrality or peace; or in the case of a treaty in respect of which the Attorney General has certified in writing that its implementation in Uganda would require an amendment of the Constitution.”

We need to raise an amendment to this Act if we do not, governments (of all EAC member states) will continue to play in the yard of this law and sign treaties unabated,” Simbwa said.

Felix Okot Ogong says that there is need to facilitate the negotiators in monetary and non monetary terms.  “Sometimes they go for these negotiations unprepared, their air tickets are paid by the other negotiating team, which all build allegiance and they therefore negotiate from a point of weakness rather than strength.”

But Kyegegwa Woman MP, Flavia Kabahenda Rwabuhoro, the committee chairperson said advised the CSOs to repetition through an mp who is not on trade committee so that it is presented on the floor of parliament before her committee is committed to address the CSOs’ concerns.

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