All set for Friday flag-off of 2022 UNEB exams and prayers
🔵 November 7th – Candidate Briefing
➡ November 8th – Mathematics
➡ November 8th – SS & RE
➡ November 9th – Integrated Science
➡ November 9th – English
🔵 October 14th – Candidate Briefing
➡ October 17th – Start of UCE exams
➡ November 18th – End of UCE exams
🔵 November 18th – Candidate Briefing
➡ November 21st – Start of UACE exams
➡ December 9th – End of UACE exams
Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has urged parents who have not yet cleared school fees to negotiate with headteachers to avoid interrupting candidates when examinations start next week.
The Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) Examination for the 2022 candidates will be flagged off on Friday October 14, 2022 with a briefing of candidates.
“We wish to encourage parents to address the issue of school fees balances with the heads of schools early enough, to avoid the scenario where candidates are inconvenienced by the school heads on account of non-payment of the fees,” said UNEB Executive Director Dan N. Odongo in a briefing to press and teachers Thursday in Kampala.
He reassured that, “We also request heads of centres to avoid the act of pulling candidates out of examination rooms in the course of the examination due to fees issues. The Board will work with schools to put in place measures to assist them recover their fees even after the examination has been done by a defaulting candidate.”

About Friday’s briefing, Odongo said all head teachers will be involved, and called on parents to go to the schools and witness the exercise. “We wish to encourage parents who can do so, to attend the briefing as well,” he said.
He stated that the candidates pre-exams briefing is a very important exercise which must be conducted by the head teachers themselves. During the briefing session, candidates must be made aware of the instructions contained in the timetable and the Rules and Regulations on examination conduct.
“The head teachers must explain clearly to the candidates the consequences of their not adhering to these rules and regulations, and of cheating in the examination. UNEB has found out that cases of irregularities and malpractice by candidates quite often arise from candidates receiving inadequate, or no briefing at all,” Odongo asserted.
He revealed that UNEB has also requested all faith affiliations for national prayers and dedication for the candidates and the examination process. Prayers are scheduled to take place from Friday 14 to Sunday 16, 2022.
Candidates will, thereafter, start writing their examination on Monday October 17, 2022, starting with Mathematics 1 in the morning and Mathematics 2 in the afternoon.
✳️ TOTAL – 349,445 candidates
✳️ EXAM CENTRES – 3703
✳️ MALE – 175,923 (50.3%)
✳️ FEMALE – 173,522 (49.7%)
✳️ USE – 235,245 (77.3%)
✳️ NON USE – 235,245 (77.3%)
✳️ Luzira Prison – 51 candidates
✳️ Special Needs – 519
✳️ Toll free line 0800-211-077
Key exam statistics for 2022
A total of 349,445 candidates were registered and are scheduled to sit the examination from 3703 Examination Centres. Of these, 175,923 (50.3%) of the candidates are males, while 173,522 (49.7%) are females.
A total of 114,200 (32.7%) of the candidates are funded under the Universal Secondary Education (USE) Programme, while 235,245 (77.3%) candidates are Non-USE. Fifty one candidates who are inmates in Luzira Upper Prison will also write their examination from the Prison.
Five hundred nineteen (519) of the candidates are Special Needs Education (SNE) candidates. Access arrangements have been made for these SNE learners to receive the necessary support in accordance with their needs. UNEB will avail braille answer sheets for the blind, large print question papers for those with low vision, while the deaf will receive sign language interpreters. Candidates with severe physical impairments that may affect use of apparatus during practical examinations will also receive support personnel. Those with dyslexia / reading and writing problems will be availed transcribers.
The Board has introduced a toll free line 0800-211-077 which members of the public can use to report any suspected case of examinations malpractice. The Board also has now in place a whistle Blower’s policy to protect those reporting from victimization and also ensure their compensation once the information is proven to be accurate.
He appealed to Heads of Centres to ensure that the SOPs provided by the Ministry of Health for the control of COVID-19 and Ebola are adhered to.
“While the incidence of COVID-19 appears to have declined, and we must thank God for that, care must still be taken to observe the precautions. Everyone accessing the school premises should have their temperature measured, wear a mask and wash their hands with clean water and soap,” Odongo warned.
“A hand washing facility should also be put outside the examination room for candidates to wash their hands as they enter the examination room. Sanitizers, where available, should be placed at the checking point for the invigilators to sanitize after checking every student,” he added.
He wished candidates success. “We would like to comfort the candidates that the Lord who has brought them this far will surely enable them to effectively write and pass their examination. We encourage the candidates to be calm, confident, follow the instructions and pray for divine intervention and guidance as they sit their examinations.”
“We at UNEB all wish them well. May God bless our candidates and those involved in the conduct of the examination, and may God bless our Country.”