🔵 November 7th – Candidate Briefing
➡ November 8th – Mathematics
➡ November 8th – SS & RE
➡ November 9th – Integrated Science
➡ November 9th – English
🔵 October 14th – Candidate Briefing
➡ October 17th – Start of UCE exams
➡ November 18th – End of UCE exams
🔵 November 18th – Candidate Briefing
➡ November 21st – Start of UACE exams
➡ December 9th – End of UACE exams
Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The national examinations for this years’ candidates will commence on October 14, according to the timetable released by the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB).
The calendar starts with briefing of senior four candidates who will be writing their Uganda Certificate of Education-UCE which will run up to November 18. Additionally, the schedule states that senior six candidates will begin their series on November 18 and continue until December 9.
The Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) are scheduled to start with a briefing on November 7. In contrast to previous years where students were granted a day or two after the briefing, primary seven candidates this time will begin the exam the next day and finish on November 9.
UNEB Executive Director Dan Odongo noted that with the timetables out, teachers should ensure that the necessary teaching and learning, as well as psych-social support is offered to candidates in the remaining time, for effective preparation.
Odongo also noted that unlike in previous years, the board has this time provided for the visually impaired students by providing brail and large print timetables. Odongo says this is done to ensure that this group of learners also get a chance to individually read the timetables.
#UACE2022 and #UCE2022 TIME TABLES pic.twitter.com/5qm08b3pZJ
— Uganda National Examinations Board (@UNEB_UG) August 18, 2022
James Turyatemba, the Manager in charge of Examination Management at UNEB, also mentioned that the board is assessing the possibility of increasing the remuneration of the invigilators, scouts, and special needs interpreters to keep up with current living expenses.
For instance, Turyatemba says that the invigilators have been receiving 40,000 Shillings. “In light of the fact that everything is becoming costly, this payment might not be sufficient, the board is considering adding on something to match the current situation.”
While commenting on the issue of remuneration, Odongo pointed out that it might necessitate the board to ask for extra funding from the government given the fact that what they have might not be enough. However, he noted that the precise payment that will be given out to the invigilators and other examination day officials is yet to be decided.
According to the budget framework paper, the board had asked for 145 billion Shillings to run their activities and Turyatemba says that over 50 billion Shillings of this is for examination management. Last year, the board also had to request for additional 10.5 billion shillings to help them conduct examinations in the COVID-19 environment.
For all three levels of the final exams, 1,280,172 students have registered. Comparing this to last year’s exam, it shows a percentage increase of 7.7 per cent in the overall number of candidates. Out of the registered candidates, 56 per cent representing 751,336 learners are funded by the Government, while 44 per cent of candidates are privately sponsored.
CLICK TO READ A level timetable 1
CLICK TO READ A level timetable 2
Were is time table
uneb timetable for uce s4 2022
I think a detailed timetable will be released to schools soon.
Help me find out de timetable
I don’t see the. T table
Ayibo ejai timetable
I also to see the real time table
Where is the time table
The message is Not laud and clear
Long time
aaah we are waiting 4 time table jal
I need time table for UCE 2022
Candidates should be preparing to set for the UNEB Exams.
Candidates should be preparing to sit for the UNEB Examinations.
UACE T T too plz, coz am only seeing PLE and it’s a kinda complicated
Let’s patiently wait then
Time table for uce
Well done ,but my concern is about Head teachers at the examination seating centers , they always do commendable work but they are not given facilitation financially. So it is my humble request that let the Headteachers also be thought about.Yoram Ahimbisibwe H/tr Kitengyeto P/s Kazo District.
Thanks for the job well done secretary and the team. i would like to say success to our dear candidates 2022.
We are well armed and ready to face it ,,,thx!!!
How UNEB set exam this time
Nice Exams comrades😎😎
pray for everybody in tomrrow exam
We pray and hope for best for everyone in exams, may God bless them…
Success to all our candidates allover the country especially mine of Tororo
I wishes success to all our candidates all over the country especially mine of nakaseke
The timetable is out every candidate will pass with flying colours
To the independent.co.ug owner, Your posts are always well received by the community.
when are s.4 exams coming back
Dear independent.co.ug admin, You always provide useful tips and best practices.