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Home / NEWS / Veronica Kadogo confirmed as Buyende District woman MP

Veronica Kadogo confirmed as Buyende District woman MP

Kampala, Uganda |GODFREY SSALI | The Court of Appeal has confirmed Veronica Babirye Kadogo as the validly elected woman MP for Buyende district.

Three justices ; Remmy Kasule, Paul Mugamba and Cheborion Barishaki have unanimously upheld the Jinja Highcourt decision which dismissed with costs an election petition filed against Babirye in August last year for lack of merit.

The 3 justices have concured with justice Godfrey Namundi that the petitioner Mary Nakato failed to discharge her burden of proving to court the commission of electoral offenses by MP Babirye.

Nakato had alleged that Babirye bribed voters at Mukanga and Biyingo with money, saucepans and mosquito nets during the duo’s campaigns.

But however just like justice Namundi, the court of Appeal justices have resolved that Nakato neither called any independent witnesses to attest to the bribery allegations or proving that the recipients of the items were registered voters.

The court has now ordered that Nakato pays Babirye costs of this appeal.

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