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Investigate Gulu attack, Acholi MPs say

NBS: Members of Parliament from Acholi region under their umbrella body Acholi Parliamentary Caucus want government to fully investigate the Gulu attacks to get to the bottom of the crisis. This follows the Sunday shootings that left a UPDF officer and a police officer dead, and several people arrested. Share …

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House Approves 80 Member Cabinet

NBS: Parliament this afternoon endorsed an 80-member cabinet in a new wave of events as president Museveni prepares to deliver what he calls a middle income status in his fresh 2016/2021 term of office. The motion faced stiff resistance from the opposition who argued against the blotted cabinet.   Share …

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Parliament vets First Lady

NBS:Parliament starts a three day vetting process of the newly appointed ministers. 17 out of the 81 ministers were the first to interface with the Parliamentary appointments committee that was chaired by Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga.     Share on: WhatsApp

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FDC Denies Rebel Links

The Forum for Democratic Change Party has dismissed as false reports linking their party members to rebel activities seeking to overthrow government. The dismissal by party Spokesperson Ibrahim Semujju Nganda comes at a time when former FDC presidential flag bearer is being held in Luzira prison on charges of treason …

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Ssebaggala Advises Lukwago on Deputy Mayor

The former Mayor of Kampala City Al- Hajji Nasser Ntege Ssebagala has cautioned the sitting Lord Mayor of Kampala Erias Lukwago against consorting with KCCA Executive Director Jennifer Musisi. This comes a few days after Erias Lukwago was sown in as city mayor e former mayor. According to Ssebagala, Lukwago …

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Budget: Farmers Bitter

NBS: Farmers have criticized the budget read this afternoon by Finance Minister designate Matia Kashija. Whereas allocation to the sector has more than doubled, a group of farmers watching the parliamentary proceedings live on television at Hotel Africana in Kampala are bitter.   Share on: WhatsApp

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650 to Scoop Medals on Heroes Day

NBS: Government Spokesman and Media Centre Exec Director Ofwono Opondo has revealed that 650 people are slated to walk away with medals during this year’s 35th Heroes day celebrations. This year’s celebration hinged on the theme – Concertizing the gains of our Heroes is a duty for every Ugandan – will …

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