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Wakiso authorities excited about St. Cyprian seed secondary school construction works

Wakiso district leaders inspecting St. Cyprian SS Ssumbwe now under construction 11

Wakiso, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | Wakiso district authorities are excited by the pace of the construction works at St. Cyprian Seed Secondary School Ssumbwe in Wakiso Mumyuka Sub County. Construction of the Shillings 2.1 billion school started in August last year and currently stands at 75 percent.

The school has 11 main and eight support structures consisting of classroom blocks, laboratories, administration block, staff quarters, kitchens and pit latrines. Most of the structures have been completed pending the installation of doors and windows, painting and clearing the compound.

Felix Mwanje of Kaleta Construction Company says although the construction works were estimated to take two years, they expect to handover the project by the end of September this year since the funds are available.

Wakiso Deputy District Engineer, Felix Mudai says that the district has so far disbursed 76 percent of the project funds to the contractor. “About Shillings400m was returned to the central government coffers at the end of the financial year 2019/2019 because we could not pay in full before the work was complete,” Mudai said.

He however, said the funds will be released as soon as the work is complete. Rashid Mwebesa, the Ssumbwe Village secretary says the construction of the school is a welcome development in their area since they have a big student population that is need of a government secondary school.

Mudai says St. Cyprian Seed Secondary School Ssumbwe is the first government school in the sub county, adding that they expect a huge student enrollment given its catchment area. 

Rev. Fr. Simon Peter Katende, the Education Secretary Entebbe vicariate in Kampala Archdiocese also appreciated the progress made so far.

He commended Wakiso district for accepting to construct the school on the land donated by the Catholic Church, saying the foundation body will do all it take to guarantee quality education.

Wakiso Education Officer, Fredrick Kiyingi Kinobe says the contractor is expected to handover the school to the District education department by the end of September this year pending further instructions from the Education and Sports Ministry. 

Matia Lwanga Bwanika, the Wakiso District LC V Chairperson, says with a population of over 400,000 people, Wakiso Mumyuka sub county didn’t have a universal secondary school as required by government policy.



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