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Wakiso district works department closed over Covid-19 contact


Wakiso , Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Wakiso district works department has been closed after one of the staff members being named as a contact to a confirmed Covid-19 case.

The department head Engineer Sam Mwesigwa has confirmed closing the department as health workers take samples from all staff members to verify whether there are cases from within or not.

“We have been asked to close the entire department as health workers contemplate on closing the whole building which also houses the district land department,” Mwesigwa said.

This follows a report that one of the senior staff members in the department has been confirmed to be a contact of a confirmed Covid-19 case.

The officer whose identity has not been disclosed is said to have been taken away for quarantine.

Mwesigwa has said that the works department will remain closed for the next 14 days as the district is looking for funds to procure computers which they would use to conduct zoom meetings to run business.

For the last one month, Wakiso district has been conducting Covid-19 tests, whose results remained confidential to the public.



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