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THIS WEEK: Why Justice Kavuma, Court of appeal will handle over 60 cases a day

Kampala, Uganda | THIS WEEK | Come Sept.11 Justice Stephen Kavuma will handle 31 cases whereas his colleague Geofry Kiryabwire will handle 30. This according to Judiciary Spokesperson Vicent Mugabo is meant to reduce case backlog at the court of appeal.

This new mediation programme called appellant mediation Mugabo said has been adopted to ensure that litigants get timely justice and that the judges will handle miscellaneous applications which form the largest percentage of case backlog in this court.

“If dealt with, they will make work of the Court of Appeal in respect to handling main suits easier,” he said adding that among the cases to be handled is one of Electoral Commission Vs Erias Lukwago and Bob Kasango Vs Paul Nalukoola Muwanga.

Last year, court of appeal judges were trained on mediation by a team from the Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution. With appellant resolution, to settle their appeals quickly with their rivals under the guidance of the neutral judge.

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