Monday , February 10 2025

Why Museveni might not sign new KCCA law

Powers of Lord Mayor, Minister and Executive director provided in the KCCA Act 2010

Lord Mayor

  1. To be the political head of the Capital City
  2. Preside over all meetings of the Authority
  3. Perform ceremonial functions and civic functions
  4. Host foreign and local dignitaries
  5. Head the authority in developing strategies and programmes for the development of the capital city
  6. Monitor the administration of the capital city
  7. Provide guidance to the division administrations

Note that; the lord mayor shall in the performance of his or her functions be answerable to the authority and the minister.

Executive director

  1. To be the head of the public service in the authority and to head the administration of the authority including divisions and wards
  2. To be the accounting officer of the authority
  3. To be responsible for the management of all public funds of the authority and accountable to Parliament
  4. To be responsible for coordination and implementation of national and council policies, laws, regulations, byelaws, programmes and projects
  5. To advise the mayor and authority on government policy
  6. To present the annual budget to the authority
  7. Advise the authority on technical, administrative and legal matters pertaining to the management of the authority
  8. Oversee the delivery of quality services to the population within the capital city and take remedial action where service delivery standards are below the expected minimum standards
  9. To be the custodian of all the assets and records of the authority

Minister roles

  1. To vary or rescind any decision of the authority which is in contravention of any law or government policy, with the approval of cabinet
  2. To institute a commission of inquiry to inquire into the matter he/she consider to be of a grave nature
  3. To receive and take appropriate action on reports submitted by the mayor, executive director or a commission of inquiry
  4. To oversee the performance of the authority and make an annual report to Parliament
  5. The Minister shall have general powers to give directives on policy and general development of the capital city and the authority shall comply with the directives.
  6. The Minister may veto decisions taken by the authority which appear to the minister to be illegal and where the authority fails to perform any of its duties, the Minister may by writing, direct the authority to carry out those duties.



  1. Kampala city be shifted to Nakasongola. Kampala is a village built anyhow. Nakasongoa is middle.

  2. Democracy does not exist! What this is as always, is a veiled attempt at democracy which happens to be utopian because it does not work in case things need to get done with the least possible contention . Just imagine there was ‘democracy’ in the police or armed forces, would it accomplish anything save for annihilating what they initially would have set out to protect and achieve? Structures are useless in democracy because it would mean everyone does as they please in pretense of doing their work which is to serve the people. Once you have structures, it really ceases to be a democracy. At this point it becomes a web of entangled consequences with out a decoding political algorithm in near sight, given the wrong and possibly the worst interpretation of ‘democracy’ burned into our sub-conscience. It is a niche that will continue to be exploited unless the masses effectively alter their definitions and interpretation of the key aspects affecting their lives.

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