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Women in Gulu call for transparency in implementation of Parish Development Model

Museveni launches the Parish Model recently. PHOTO PPU

Gulu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Women in Gulu have called for transparency in the execution and implementation of the Parish Development Model program.

The women from the eleven sub-counties of Gulu and Gulu city, expressed concerns that the selection of beneficiaries could be marred with corruption, nepotism, abuse of offices, and embezzlement as has been the case with many other government projects.

Some of them say they have witnessed individuals and groups bribing officials to benefit from government projects at the expense of the poor.

Mego Jackeline from Rwot Lakica Twero Farmers Group in Awach sub county, noted that although the program is promising to vulnerable women among other people, it should not be marred with irregularities as has been the case with other government programs.

She also asked for special consideration of the vulnerable within their societies so that their livelihoods are uplifted as President Yoweri Museveni promised through PMD.

Another farmer from Unyama sub county noted that the government should weed out self-seekers and greedy people who might infiltrate the implementation processes.

Another farmer from Unyama who asked not to be named advised the government to ensure that transparency is considered in every process of the program in order to benefit the intended people.

Phoebe Ayoo, the Speaker Gulu district pledged their commitment to ensuring that the program meets its goal.

Vicky Atim, the vice LCV chairperson Gulu rallied the women to be organized to benefit from the Parish Development Model noting that 30% of it has been ring-fenced for women.

She also pledged total support to their technical teams to ensure that the processes for executing and implementing the program are free of corruption and transparent.

Solomon Nokrach, the field officer for Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) disclosed that they are training women groups in the district on financial and business management so that they can utilize the money under Parish Development Model in order to develop.

President Yoweri Museveni launched the 490 billion shillings Parish Development Program last month. It aims at eradicating poverty through the execution of development activities in parishes.

PDM replaces Emyooga, a presidential initiative on wealth and job creation that was rolled out in October 2020 to support among others, market vendors, welders, taxi drivers, boda-boda riders, women, and restaurant owners who come together in form of SACCOS.



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