Instruments category
➡Under 9
✅Winner – Leris Mbura (OAK)
➡Under 11
✅Winner – Ambrosoli
R/Up – Acorns
Vocals category
➡Under 11
✅Winner – Ruhee (Aga Khan)
R/up – Galaxy
➡Under 14
✅Winner – Acorns
R/up – Aga Khan
➡Under 17
✅Winner – Acorns
Dance category
➡Under 9
✅Winner – Vanessa (OAK)
➡Under 11
✅Winner – Galaxy
➡Under 14
✅Winners – Aga Khan
✅Runners-up Aga Khan
Kampala, Uganda | LOUIS JADWONG | Six Ugandan international schools November 3, 2018 competed in a “Talent Hunt” event that again showed the importance educators place on “the arts” in the international curriculum.
Acorns International School was the host, as talent in instrumentals, vocals and dance were showcased in front of excited students and parents.
The wildest cheers went to dance princess Vanessa, whose performance in the Under 9 category was one of the highlights of the one day-event at Acorns along the Northern Bypass in Kampala.
The most competitive event of the day was in the Under -14 dance category, and two teams from Aga Khan took the honours.
All winning teams got medals, handed to them by among others the judges of the day, Reagan Muhereza aka REX (dance), Christopher Tendo (instrumental) and Rockline Ntambirwa (voice).
Aga Khan school show how at #TalentHuntUg – dance pic.twitter.com/gjev1B81ge
— Louis Jadwong (@Jadwong) November 3, 2018
Aga Khan – international students – perform at #TalentHuntUg ongoing at Acorns Into school, Kampala #Uganda #arts pic.twitter.com/0hxkPhjtsG
— Louis Jadwong (@Jadwong) November 3, 2018